Grab the Installer (Bundled with Doomseeker) for your OS
Install with default settings
Download DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD from:
Press Windows Key + R (or click Start then Run), then run C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\doomseeker
Move DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD into that folder
You can actually put them wherever you want, but you'll have to set that directory in Zandronum's file paths
Run Zandronum (which actually opens Doomseeker)
Click OK
Go to Pinned Servers
Add 51084
Update Zandronum if you see this
Restart and Install
Double click on the server we pinned which will be at the top
Click Install
The needed files auto download
Game loads
Note that you'll be pressing Spacebar to join when ready
Once in game press Esc for menu, go to Options, Player Setup and change your name and color
In Options, Set Video Mode you can change your resolution. You may have to select aspect ratio 16:9 to see your resolutions.
I couldn't go past 1280x720 without scaling issues
The only key map I had to assign was kick and grenade but go crazy if you like